Niklaus von Flüe On The Road

One moment. One experience.

A pavilion that showed nothing, yet precisely due to all that "nothing" there was a lot to experience: The traveling exhibition "Niklaus von Flüe - Unterwegs" (Niklaus of Flüe - On the Road), which we designed, toured through all 26 cantons of Switzerland in the summer of 2017.


Verein "600 Jahre Niklaus von Flüe"


on the road, CH




Xaver - The Swiss Award for Excellence in Live Communication / Category "Best Temporary Exhibition"

Alle Facts and Figures

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A 100 year ongoing project

The core project of the commemorative year "600 Years of Niklaus von Flüe" defied the common notions of an educational show and allowed visitors to confront the hermit and themselves. While waiting, the guests handed over their shoes, cell phone, watch and other valuables. Stripped of the everyday ordinances, the visitors were completely limited to themselves at the second station. In a juxtaposition, they were able to contemplate on essential questions of life in silence and solitude and in the face of a statue of Niklaus von Flüe. The thoughts written down at the third station were enclosed in a copper sphere and immersed in a shaft in Flüeli-Ranft near the home of Niklaus von Flüe. For the next commemoration in 2117, the time capsule will be opened and the messages will be made accessible to the public. This will be the longest project in the history of Steiner Sarnen Switzerland. And as a legacy to posterity, it will outlast us all. A delightful sentiment.

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Facts and Figures

on the road, CH
our role
Vision I Conceptual Design I Planning I Implementation
Xaver - The Swiss Award for Excellence in Live Communication / Category "Best Temporary Exhibition"
53 m2
Sibylle Kathriner -Trägerverein 600 Jahre Niklaus von Flüe / Steiner Sarnen Schweiz
Compresso AG
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