Where tradition meets flavour: Breitenmoser's «Gustarium» vividly conveys how high-quality meat is turned into real delicacies such as Appenzeller Siedwurst, Pantli and Mostbröckli. Opened in 2023, this unique Swiss experience showcases milestones in the company's 120-year tradition, provides insights into the production stages of meat refinement and explains the secret of pure flavour. The centrepiece of the «Gustarium» is the «House of Delight», an Appenzellerhaus in which the gourmet Lukullus Gourmand takes guests on a journey of discovery through tradition, craftsmanship and taste by means of video projection. Visitors also have the opportunity to become active themselves. Whether in the butcher's parlour, at sausage and barbecue workshops or in the shop - the «Gustarium» invites visitors to experience and enjoy the quality and variety of meat products at close quarters. The «Gustarium» combines food production, gastronomy, tradition, pride in craftsmanship, regionality, a promise of quality and the experience of enjoyment in space and interaction. We think so: The «Gustarium» has become a wonderful piece of scenographic jewellery.