Historical Museum Lucerne

Discover History and Stories Differently

Actresses and actors instead of museum guides, bar codes instead of text panels, industrial shelfing instead of glass display cases. The play-acted tours through the museum’s collection depot showcase Lucerne's treasures. The depot becomes a living stage and stands as a prototype for the departure of museums into the third millennium.


Historisches Museum Luzern


Lucerne, CH




Alle Facts and Figures

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Searching for Clues with Barcodes and Play-Acted Tours

At the Historical Museum Lucerne, the collection depot inspired us much more than the exhibition. Entering the locked cellars and opening mysterious boxes in the company of the historian fired our imagination. We based the museum concept on this feeling. Visitors discover the stories behind the show depot’s 14'000 objects via a barcode reader. This device allows a wide range of information to be conveyed in several languages. It also encourages children to go on a treasure hunt and playfully crack the safe. Visitors can only enter the second depot area accompanied by a guid. They are immersed in the French Revolution, experience a variation of Cinderella or get to know the world of ancient Rome. Professional actors guide the guests through the depot on specially designed play-acted tours, integrating the museum's exhibits into their performance. They weave in the demonstration of long spikes or dramatically portray the stories around a birthing chair. Our idea of the play-acted collection tours has become a hit since the depot’s opening.

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Facts and Figures

Lucerne, CH
our role
Vision, Conceptual Design, Planning, Implementation
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